About Payam Ranjbar
Hi, I’m Payam Ranjbar, a game developer who started as a programmer and has participated in game design fields for the past 2 years.
My game development journey started when I was awarded a game dev contest at the University of Tehran in 2017 and the Payam Ranjbar carved into the award plate. see the game on here.
I worked in various dev teams and worked as a freelancer alongside; I Shipped 3 mobile games and 2 VR applications. My primary responsibilities on teams were: Gameplay Programming, Client-Server programming, System Architecting, and Tool building.
As I mentioned, I’ve also been working as a game designer (better called Technical Designer) recently. I’ve always been an enthusiastic learner of game design concepts and game creation philosophies. I persuaded this discipline as my hobby and read a lot about it in my spare time. My current career status is “Technical Designer,” a combination of my software engineering skills and game design abilities which help the team prototype designs faster and document them in more technical detail.
Another hobby I’ve always been following is studying the art of storytelling in the video games medium. I’m reading books on narrative design and exploring the games for the storytelling cues the devs provided on them. Telling a cohesive story with the essence of interactivity is my ultimate goal of the game-making journey. For that, I’ve started creative writing and wrote several short fictions- which you can find on the story section of the website.
You live once and your only mission is to survive. don’t let the media distract you from the goal.
PayaM Ranjbar
About the website
Here is my website. It’s primarily for showcasing my works and crafts in game development fields. Each post represents one of the followings:
- a game jam game
- a client project
- a team projects + my role description
- design prototypes
- code snippets
You can easily search for your desired topic since all posts are tagged and categorized.
Each post includes all related media and links for the craft.
For faster skimming, consider checking my Instagram page, which contains short videos of my works.