Bubblympics is a fast-paced, chaotic multiplayer co-op game where two players blow bubblegum to float above a rising sea of lava. But there’s a catch—blow too much, and your bubble bursts, sending you straight into the molten abyss! The lava constantly shifts, rising and lowering, while flocks of birds swoop in as unexpected hazards, ready to pop your bubble mid-air. The goal is to be the last player standing!
My Contributions:
- Game Design & Ideation
- System Programming (Game Mode, UI, Animations)
- Sound Design (Implemented an audio system with pooling)
- Shaders & Post-Processing (Lava effects, game visuals)
- Camera System & Bird Flocks (Boids) Spawning

We had a team of four:
🎨 1x 3D Artist
🕹 1x Programmer (Player Inputs)
⚙ 1x Programmer (Core Mechanics)
🔥 Myself handling Game Systems, Visuals, & Audio
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